Crazy times

I've just realised that the posts have been pretty few and far between this month and last month. I entirely blame school work. I have had so many essays to complete, a ton of homework. Anyway, it's nearly Christmas! 

I am so excited. I really am. With this crazy year, everything keeps going from one extreme to the other. It is a weird year and one that will probably be in history textbooks in about 50 years! Imagine that, your granddaughter/grandson asking you about why a woman nearly killed an old person over some toilet roll!

One of my friends the other day said, "Think about who you started this year with and who you're ending it with. Maybe it hasn't changed and maybe it has. Isn't that weird?" I think it is weird how at the beginning of the year, you can be friends with someone and at the end of the year, they have just disappeared out of your life completely. To be honest, the people who have disappeared out of my life, can get stuffed. I don't care because I have gained new friends, reconnected with old friends, got closer with my old friends that have been there- and this year, in that respect, has been really good. I am so grateful for who I am finishing this year with.

Lets just hope to high heaven that corona is not here by this time next year. It won't be a quick fix, but I pray that it is not here in December 2021.

*Update on 'A tic-a-day': 

My dad bought me a tally counter and on the 5th of December I did 434 tics and the day after, the 6th, I did 870 tics! A big jump!

Christmas joke of the day: "What is the best Christmas present in the world? A broken drum, you just can’t beat it!"



