A tic-a-day

A tic a day keeps insanity at bay. According to me.

I'm planning on counting how many tics I do in a day (with the help of a tally counter) and then putting it into a table. I'm going to do this for a week (as soon as my dad buys one) and it should be interesting how many tics I do in a day and the how the amount of tics vary with each day. 

I think that this should be done on a wider scale. If 100 people with mild Tourettes did this and then 100 people with severe Tourettes did it, scientists could compare how the amount of tics vary throughout each day. I think this would definitely help the research of Tourettes Syndrome as it will be easy to see how many tics a person does in a day. 

In America, you can donate part of your brain tissue to scientists to help them in their research on understanding Tourettes. I mean, I haven't got a brain to start with! Never mind giving some away. It just sounds really disgusting as well. There has got to be an easier way of helping to support the research. I think my experiment would definitely help. They could also send out a diary to complete alongside the tally counter for the participer to record what their tic was like- whether it was motor, vocal or complex. This again would help so many people in understanding what people with Tourettes go through in their day-to-day life. Some tics can be debilitating due to the complexity and I think that many people do need to understand this. Simple tics can also be quite imparing as they could stop the sufferer from doing a certain activity- such as writing if their arm decides to throw a pen. 

Anyone want to sign up for my experiment?
