About Me

About Me

I'm Caitie and I have suffered from Tourettes since I was 6. I started sniffing and coughing tics which the doctors said was allergies. It took many years to finally get diagnosed when I was 13. Friday 26th January is the exact date. God knows how I remember that considering I can't remember what I had for tea yesterday. I have got many tics, all of which are vocal and facial. For example:

  • Coughing
  • Scrunching my face up
  • Sniffing
  • Wincing
  • Animal noises
  • And a whole lot more
Overall, I have got 50 tics. Tics can come and go but the ones that I have, I have had them for more or less ever!

What calms me down usually is listening to music, playing with my dog or stroking him, hugging my sister and my mum or dad and watching Doctor Who.
