Nothing is normal

These days, nothing is normal. At all. We get a pandemic. The first one in hundreds of years. It gets better. Then worse. No one knows what is going to happen next.

In these times of uncertainty, we need to remember to take a step back, relax and spend time focused on yourself and we need to remember to ask others how they are. Being cooped up in a house is not very nice. For anyone. So please, check up on your friends mental health. 

You may feel incredibly worn out, that'll be because we are getting fed up with the current situation. I can't wait to get back to school. Different things in the world are occurring. Biden has been sworn in as President of the United States. Australia regained corona cases. In most parts, it's a bad world. 

But at night, look up at the sky, look for the stars (I'm saying this and it'll be cloudy like usual when you want to look, thanks British weather!). Look up at them and slowly spin around. This may sound stupid, you may feel a fool, but it is relaxing. You feel at peace. And I think that is what so many people want and need. We need to reconnect with nature. Our ecosystem instead our houses are not enough for a person. We need to go outside, switch off, look at the animals and the landscapes. And see what a beautiful thing nature is. 
