Merry Christmas!

 Christmas eve!!! I am so excited. I don't know why to be honest and I think that I am more excited than my 6-year-old sister!

Last week at school, teachers were asking everyone about their christmas traditions and I'm not sure if I have that many to be honest. I mean, my grandad comes every year since my grandma died- he can still come because he is in our support bubble-, we always have a salad on Boxing Day. We get up at 6am on Christmas, open presents and then the day just unfolds. I don't really see anything as a tradition apart from the salad on Boxing Day. I want to know what other people traditions are. It's quite interesting.

Right now it's raining even though it not supposed to be. I wish it would snow instead. I mean, a white christmas would be one of the best things on this planet. That alone would make this year soooooooooooooooo much better. 

Merry Christmas!! Have a lovely day!

Christmas joke of the day: Why don’t you ever see Santa in hospital? Because he has private elf care!
