
I have been trying my best to keep on top of the research that I have to do for my EPQ which means me writing certain things out from websites such as Tourettes Action and Tourettes Association of America I'm not doing that well to be honest because there is hardly any time to do anything these days. There's so much homework and such little free time. 

I'm excited to start making my book though. Once it has been finished, hopefully I will be able to put it on here and then people will be able to download this. I would really like this to happen.

My tics have been quite bad this week, not at school but at home. So much so my mum has been saying that I have been disrupting my sister while she is asleep. I don't mean to but I just can't seem to be quiet because I do that so much at school.

One day, soon hopefully, I will properly do my tics at school to show people that I don't care who does know that I have Tourettes. I wish I could take my dog to school, he calms me down when I'm very ticcy. He lets me lay on him and I am then so much calmer. I'd love to have a anxiety dog at school.
