I'll miss you

So one of my best friends is going to a military preparation college because she is then going to Harrogate to train for the Army. She had a phone call earlier and turns out, she's leaving on Friday. THIS FRIDAY. I am really sad. I'm going to miss her so much. She's amazing, funny, brilliant and one of the best friends someone could every have. I've cried already. 

It's going to be like a piece of me missing, it sounds drastic but it's true. I'm going to miss her so much.

I think my tics are making it harder for me to breathe. It takes it out of me to tic to be honest. When I sigh, it really hurts my chest and it hurts when I do my deep breath in tic. My dad is getting some nose strips for me so I can open up my nose a bit to get more air in me. I had them when I was little. My oxygen went down to 96 last night and that's when my dad had that idea to get some nose strips. I'm definately just going to wear them when I need them because they actually really hurt when you peel them off.

Paige, I am going to miss you massively. It won't be the same without us singing Hamilton songs on the way to lessons, me not texting you every morning to see if you're awake! It's become part of my routine to do that and to stop will be beyond weird. But you'll be amazing! But can I just say, oi! You're abandoning us!! I love youuuuuuuuuu.
