36 days....

36 days until Christmas. Can you believe it? I can't! This year, although it has been absolutely awful, the past few months has gone so quickly. I just hope that everyone has the best Christmas that they can possibly have. We all deserve it.

We all deserve just peace. We do. I mean, after this chaotic, awful, dodgy year where so many people have died from a horrible disease. It has made so many people's lives a misery. It stopped people celebrating so many things. Such as prom. Such as not doing exams. Such as birthdays.

I think it's disgusting how people who have been ill (not related to COVID) have been treated. I mean, cancer treatment was stopped. How disgusting is this? This should not have happened at all. So many people have died due to this. I saw on Children in Need that a little girl couldn't say goodbye to her mum who had cancer. She saw her 2 weeks before she died. I think that this is awful. It's also awful that no-one can be with someone in hospital when they die from corona.

We are all in dire need of a good time. The world needs to halt so we can have the best Christmas that will be possible. 
